Mamba Bowling Lanes is actually a hostel that hosts a range of activities. There are six bowling lanes that are open for public use. Mamba Club is a fun getaway for people looking to escape the hustle of Kigali. The high-energy bowling alley, a restaurant and bar, a small swimming pool, and volleyball courts make it a place that is ready for any type of recreational play.
Bowling is inexpensive, widely available, and fun to play no matter the group size. Bowling is also all-inclusive, so no one feels left out. Whereas most sports require participants to be in good physical shape and play with people around the same age, bowling allows a mixed group of all sizes, ages, and skill levels.
Bowling is such a great activity for families, friends, and parties because it’s something everyone can do. Whether you need bumpers or ramps to make the experience more enjoyable for children or less experienced bowlers, bowling is a good time for everyone and a great way to build a friendship.