join us this Friday, January 31, for a journey into the realm of Rwandan folklore!
Step into the world of LOST IN THE MISTS OF ANTIQUITY as we follow NGABO, a self-absorbed teenager, who stumbles into strange mists and finds himself trapped in ancient Rwandan folklore. There, he meets a legendary hunter, MAGURU ya SARWAYA and faces INSIBIKA, a deadly mythical beast. What starts as a curious adventure becomes a fight for survival.
Date: Friday, January 31 – monday 3rd february
Time: 6PM
Location: 13 KN 27 st, Kigali
Come witness a tale of growth, danger, and folklore like never before. Don’t miss!
#LostInTheMistsOfAntiquity #RwandanFolklore #RwandanLegends #CulturalEvent #Ngabo #MaguruYaSarwaya #Insibika #Storytelling #RwandanCulture #MythicalAdventure #AfricanFolklore